4C Saturday, February 12, 1994 The Billings Gazette 202 PARTTIMC EMPLOYMENT 205 MOfESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT 206 MEDICAL EMPLOYMENT All TKADUAND I SKILLED LMOttKS OA A UNFUtNISHID OUT APAITMENTS-MNT OIO UNFURNISHED 0 I TOWNrKXJSE-CONDO 400 HOMES FOR SALE 400 HOMES FOR SALE 401 OPEN HOUSES CNA'l Quiet, great view, Alkali Creek Area, bdrm Town-home. $600. Coll 259 )933 Location! Location! By owner Emerald Hills Must Seel 3 bdrm, 3 baths, work shop $169,900. 259-2409 $94,0001 New on the Market This 4 bdrm, 2 bath ghome has main fir fam rm, 12'x24' deck, wood stove, bay window, storage shed 8, 2 car garage on 1 acre near town horses allowed. Call MYLE8 EQAN 855-0008 Fast growing co.
Is seeking a motivated, responsible person wgreat people customer service skills to manage a hair salon. Excel work atmosphere, great growth oppty top for the right Individual. Industry exper helpful, but not neces-sarv; call Julie, 406-652-3775. Need Supervisor. Familiar wfoundation drilling, willing to travel.
Salary Benefits. Send resume to: Box 1002M, Blgs Gazette, PO Box 36300, Bigs, MT 59107. RAPHA Program Coordina New Listing Hotline 14 Hour I uj Recorded Message fSI 1-800-578-0550 I L0CL 256'0550 $7hr to start plus 35hr ea month ot accident free driving or call in sub. Drives school bus for Ryder Student Trans; mln 4 hrs day. some oppty for more hrs.
We train: Candidates are read to pass a pre-employment drug test. Reg. driver benefits: life school tuition, retirement plans, etc. Also, med. ins.
avail to buy. Apply at Ryder, 425 Sugar abv. questions call 248-3668. EEO AA MFH PT Mriy avanlng cleaning, 2 How WeeT-park Plaza area, 248-1769 STOCK PERSON Si ashour, clean driving record, eventual permanence. Temporary Connection 252-8430 Weekend Sales Greeter to start Call Peggy at 656-1100 between 8om noon.
Foundation drilling company needs driller, 5-10 yrs rock, slurry. Willing to travel, Rocky Mtn. SW region, Salary benefits. Send resume to: Box 1002M, Blgs Gazette, PO Box 36300, Bigs, MT 59107. Licensed lourney level plumber, top pay for the right person.
Send replies to: Box 1005M, co Billings Gazette, PO Box 36300, Blll- Ings, MT 59107. CLASSIFIED Where You Always Do Better When You Read The Fine Print Wanted. machinist with minimum 3 yrs exper. Qualified applicant will demonstrate CMC manual mill lathe exper Including set-up quality control. Should be goal oriented self-starter wdesire to contribute to a team effort.
Tooling programming exper helpful. Send resume desired salary to: Laser-aim Arms, 210 Hwy 20 Thermopolls, Wyo. 82443. NO PHONE CALLSI tor, tiu reopening appiH cation lor an Immediate no In our nawaat pro gram. Thle recently developed position haa been dealgned to meet the specific tieauneiit needs of clients referred through the RAPHA network.
A working knowledge ot "Search for Significance" and other RAPHA materials la essential to the successful applicant Education In a Human Senricee field la preferred, minimum requirements are a Bachelor- Degree A 3 years of relevant exp. Resumes ft YTC Applications must be postmarked no later than 5:00 pm 21684. Yellowstone Treatment Centers, Inc. Director of Human Resources 1732 So. 72nd St West Billings, MT 59106-3599 SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER Full-time position available wprogressive AE consulting firm.
Applicants should have 7-12 yrs experience in design field. Computer experience and CAD background required. Send resume to: EAPC Architects Engineers, 3065 DeMers Grand Forks, ND 58201. Vice-President of Finance-needed for growing avi-ation company. Requires min.
ten years exper. as V.P. of Finance, Controller or Financial Planner. CP. A.
and aviation background preferred. Exper. with budgets, management and audits required. Send resume with cover letter to Corporate Air, P.O. Box 30998, Billings MT 59107 Vice President Administration A Finance Salary negotiable, DOQ, Position 50001.
Available with the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Located in Helena, MT. Position is responsible for the State Fund's financial management including accounting, financial statements, public contracts, budgets. May oversee internal audit responsibility and be involved with ratemaking, including reserves. Actuarial background is preferred.
For information and required forms, contact Debbie Svaldi, Personnel Manager at (406 444-6523. Deadline for receipt of applications is 5:00 p.m., 2 2594. EEO. Wanted: road supervisor for Judith Basin County; must have exper in all phases of road construction, managing of the road employees equipment. Send resume to Judith Basin County Commissioners, Box 485, Stan-ford, Mt 59479, by 22394.
WRITER Position available for TV commercial writer wskills in communication, organization, television production writing. Call Mark Hanson, KULR TV, 656-8000. EOE MEDICAL EMPLOYMENT LPNs Now accepting applica-tons for Part time On Call positions. Apply weekdays in person Sam to 4:30 p.m. VALLEY HEALTH CARE CENTER 1807 24th SL West CNAs Now accepting appllca-tons for Certified Nursing Assistants.
Part time and full time and on call shifts. Only certified need apply. Apply in person wkdays Sam to 4:30 p.m. VALLEY HEALTH CARE CENTER 1807 24th SL West CLINICAL DIRECTOR position available for nurse practitioner to work with Executive Director in guiding and developing Montana Migrant Health Proiect. ClinicalSupervisory experience necessary.
Travel required. If you want challenging work among a special population that needs you, request an application from: Montana Migrant Council, 1148 1st Ave. Billings, Mt. 59101. EOE CLASSIFIED Where You Always Do Batter When You Read The Fine Print NEW LISTING Rancher with 5 bedrooms, air well and much more $63,900.
ALAN JARRATT METRO REALTORS 245-9300, 656-9637 "Going the extra mile for you" 2964 GREGORY DR W. 3 bdm brick 656-7749 or your Realtor All real estate advertising In this newspaper is sublect to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes It Illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelling advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information contact HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777; toll-free for the hearing impaired 1-800-927-9275.
By Owner: great location in NW Billings, ranch home, 3 bdrm, completely fin'd walkout bsmt, frplc, other extras. Must see to appreciate. Priced right at $98,000. Coll for appoint. 652-1034 CHOICE LOCATION 3600 sq ft, Irg front rm, Irg kitchendining, 4 bdrms, main fir Indry.
6 walkin closets, 3 baths, 2 car gar. New $10,000 roof, new carpet, woodstave, well, irrig system, landscaped, garden, westend. $134,900. 656-4928 All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subiect to the Federol Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising far real estate which Is in violation of the law.
Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwelling advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more Information contact HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777; toll-free for the hearing impaired 1-800-927-9275. Home on Vi acre lot. 2 car detached garage, large garden space, pump and well for irrigation, landscaped and trees. $47,000.
Call: Ron Hartman ERA PROPERTY STORE 252-5439 652-5500 JUST LISTED Attractive 3 bdrm home, downtown area, nice yard, trees, carport. Only $49,900. Call Ed Leuthold, Agent 245-5555 JUST LISTED Big lot, trees, nice home, 3 bdrms, dining room, well, shop, only $59,900. Call Ed Leuthold, Agent 245-5555. JUST LISTED Nice 4 bdrm, westend, IV2 baths, garage, deck, fenced yrd.
Only $79,900. Coll Ed Leuthold, Agent 245-5555. JUST LISTED One level, spacious 3 bdrm rancher wgarage, fireplace. $69,900. Call Scott 652-1030, 259-2250 ReMax of Billings NEW ON MARKET Over 2000 SF on main floor, partial bsmt, 4 bdrms, 2 baths, fplace, gar, $87,900 JUST LISTED Beautiful duplex in Heights.
On cul-d-sac, 3 bdrm, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces garages each side. $119,900. RANCHETTE Close in like new spacious rancher, 3 bdrm, 2'2 baths, formal dining, fam rm, Irg redwood deck, on 10 irrig acres, pvt pond, numerous out buildings. Fronts on paved road. $139,900 FISCUS REALTY 252-6400 401 OPEN HOUSES Northwest Home on 1 Acre 1530sf wfull fin walk-out bsmt.
4 bdrm, 4 bath, frpl, famllyrm wwood stv. Inlaid rock patio wfantastic view of Blngs. $135,000, 656-0536 SPACIOUS HOME IRRIGATED ACRES Located between Billings Laurel on 6.5 Irrigated acres. This spacious 5 bedroom home has a lot of potential. Formal living, formal dining, family room with fireplace.
Vi baths, utility room off dbl car garage and much more. 4336 Christalnson. Please call: MARSHA SCHELL ERA Home 8. Ranch 259-5250656-9350 EFHO ind ownedoperated Still Renting? Why? 4 bdrm, all appliances, main floor utilities. Corner lot.
Partially finished lower level. Ditch rights for watering. Call Market Place Realty 252-8941 Westend: 4 bdrm, family rm WB stove, corner lot, covered parking. Only $63,900. Call Market Place Realty 252-8941 WEST END If a LARGE home on a LARGE lot is what you have been waiting IT I SI 1 1 Brick rancher on nearly Vi acre features: 3 bdrms, IV2 baths, large living room wwoodburning fireplace 8.
updated kitchen, PLUS full finished bsmt, with family room 2nd fireplace, library, bedroom, and extra large utility room Rl for bath. Oversized dbl heated garage, plus RV parking carport. Beautiful yard with fruit trees, garden spot 8. irrigation water. WONT LAST HI $89,900 ALKALI CREEK Beautiful country setting is what you'll find in this LARGE home on almost 'h acre with privacy fence.
This one has it all 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 fireplace 6 much more! Including oversized dbl garage, new energy efficient gas furnace, dog run, and play house. $115,500 OWNER FINANCING Country living west ot Billings. Great family home on 4.5 acres. Features: 4 bdrms, newer kitchen, large living room 81 family room. Yard is fenced and landscaped.
Horse pasture is fenced, and cross fenced 8. irrigated. EAST OF BILLINGS Completely re-done older home on 2.89 acres. 3 bdrms, 2 baths, kitchen has new appliances. PLUS full bsmt, 2 car garage wwork-shop.
Barn fenced irrigated pasture for your horses. $89,000 Call Ruth Kelley 656-8198 Omni Real Estate 656-9700 IndependaMttty OwndOpeteled 401 OPEN HOUSES OPEN 1009 and 1011 Montana Ave. Laurel MT Off 1st Ave. and 9th St. A must to quality built, maintenance free 2 bdrm duplex home with large master bdrm, open kitchen, double garage, daylight bsmt ana main floor utilities.
Each Unit Just $99,500 $13,000 Under Billings Prices Host, Trent Buscher 256-5974 245-9300 $122,000 Full A part time. Apply In parson. Gland sen Care I Care Cert- tor, 1341 Rosebud Ln. EOE Dental Hygienist, 1 or 2 days per week, salary negotiable, call 256-5165 or send resume to Dr Joseph Thomas, 1501 14th St Ste 215, Billings, Mt 59102. Do you possess the qualities we're seeking? Enthusiastic, team player, strong, clinical and supervising skills, committed, willing to grow and adapt to changes and challenges.
Full time RN for night shift Is available for the right person-is that you? Come meet our team at Aspen Meadows Transitional Living Center (TLC). Applications at reception desk, 3155 Avenue Billings. Fulltime CNA day evening positions open. Call Melody at St Johns Billings Heights, 245-9330 Office Manager for Dental Office. Cheerful person with computer skills.
Insurance experience helpful but not necessary. Drop resume off ot: 2703 11th Avenue N. RN experienced In OR, Recover, Scrub, Circulating and Scopes. Excel salary bnfts. Send resume to Human Resources Washakie Memorial Hospital, P.O.
Box 700, Worland, WY. 82401. EOE RN position day shift, apply at Laurel Care Center, call 1-628-8251 207 TECHNICAL EMPLOYMENT Auto Tech-All Around Join the winning team. Mln 5 yr axp, ASE cert prat Brkfrntend, Tune driveablllty, engtrans diffOH, quick service 15A. Please send resume: Prestige Toyota, 1532 Grand Bigs, MT 59102, attn Al, Serv Mgr.
AUTOMOTIVE 13 store NAPA Auto Parts operation located in Anchorage is looking for enthusiastic counter personnel for management training positions. Min. of 3 vrs counter experience necessary. Must be self starter and willing to learn store operations and procedures. Immediate opening for 4 positions.
Excellent health insurance, profit sharing plan 401 plan. Pay commensurate with experience. If qualified, please send work history to: Parts, co Mel Money, 1130 E. Dowling Anchorage, AK 99518. Large North central Montana JD farm equipment dealer has immediate full time openings for two experienced Service Technicians.
Wage DOE. Company participation in health insurance, uniforms, sick leave, and vacation. Factory and In-house training also provided. Must have own hand tools. Please send resume attention Kirk, P.O.
Box 6069, Great Falls, MT 59406. Wanted front end mechanic, able to do all suspension work, salary DOE; call 1-228-2388, Glasgow, Mt; Evenings 1-367-5588. 209 SALES EMPLOYMENT $25K-S40K How much money do you want to earn? Exciting young broadcast outlet seeking solid people for our sales effort. Energy, excellent communication skills, honesty, and the ability to have fun a must. Experience preferred but not required.
You deserve the best and so do we. No phone calls please. Send resume to: Dale Clark, FM 95, 3203 3rd Ave N. Suite 205, Bill-Ings MT 59101. EOEMF Aggressive Salesperson in farm equipment.
Experience necessary. Send resume to: Great Falls Ford N.H., 4701 River Drive Great Falls, MT 59401. American Family Benefit Group. Needs 5 key people to offer charter memberships. Benefits include mortgage, insurance programs, auto leasing, credit card 8.
more. Generous compensation plan. Deadline Feb. 15, 1994. Coll 406-222-8466 Career opportunity.
Inside sales position with Billings based regional hydraulics 8. pneumatics sales service company. Prior sales hydraulicpneumatic sales exp required. Full benefit package wsalary commission plan. All replies confidential.
Send replies to: Box 150, co Billings Gazette, PO Box 36300, Bill- ings, MT 59107. Immediate opening for aggressive, mechanically minded individual for entry level sales In garage door industry. Apply in person 813 3rd Ave N. Immediate opening for sales rep. to sell concrete masonry products in Montana Wyoming.
Must have sucessful history in outside sales with working knowledge of construction, no exceptions. Salary expense acct. Resume to: Box 31573, Bigs, Mt 59107. Opportunity plus. Better yourself plus have good income plus be a part of your southeastern Montana community between 25-55 years of age, must have own transportation.
Salary pius commission as a water treatment specialist with a protected territory and complete field training. Open immediately. Send resume to: Box 1013M, co The Billings Gazette, P.O. Box 36300, Billings, MT 59107. SALES.
Base pay ($900 mocomm). Established accts, possible relocation. Employment Connection 252-8430 Boost Your Service Business With An Ad In The Service Directory. Seeking self-motivated MF for Orthopedic sales In MT. Exp.
in eitherboth preferred; degree a plus. Travel req'd. Send resume cover letter to Ortho Sales: PO Box S07S4, Bill- ings, MT 59)08-0784 WE NEED 4 DAYTIME TELEMARKETERS! 9am-Noon. Comm. basis Call Timleave msg 256-5773 211 TRADES AND SKILLED LABORERS Denny MenhoM Frontier Chevrolet Is currently taking applications tor line technician.
Qualified applicant must have a minimum of 3 yrs GM experience. leant shall be capa-of repairing train, tune-up, wheel alllgnment Frontier Chevrolet provides excellent compensation A benefits. Salary DOE. Sand resume to: Denny Menhold Frontier Chevrolet 1617 1st Ave Bigs, MT 59101. Attn: Service Mgr.
313 UNFURNISHED HOMES-RENT Landlords! Adv your rentals treel Best bet to rent your property. 252-0721 (3) 2 bdrm houses with fenced yards, utils. Ph. Lorry, 252-9830 1 bdrm house, 13th Monroe, $350 dep, utils pd, no pets or smoking, 256-3113. WE8T8IDEI 3 bd, washerdryer 8595 4 bd, 2 bath, gar.
bsmt DAXCO. 252-0721 3 bdrm, IVa baths, fin. bsmt 4th bdrm rec rm, wes-tend, $675mo. $500 dep. 256-1282 A turn 1 bd, west, utils pd.
Storage, pets OKI $250 f-1100 DAXCO 252-0721 ALL VACANCIES (See tor yourself FREE visit) 1-2-3-4 bdrmsall Updated dally. 8 top byl No appointment required ADCO 1 739 Grand 252-0357 Clean 1 bedroom wgarage. $350 Call 652-1030 COUNTRY LIVIN'I Shepherd. 3 bd, remod, tin bsmt, 2 eel $575 DAXCO 252-0721 Hgts area, 2 bdrm, ig storage area, fenced yard, $480 utll 8, dep. 256-5709.
Newly redecorated, 1 bdrm house, $350 gas 8. lights $150 dep. Coll 259-4862. SHORT TERM RENTAL March, April 8. May, 3 bdrm, gar.
$450. 245-7348 Boost Your Service Business With An Ad In The Service Directory. Spacious 3 bedroom by EMC. Fenced, pet ok ADCO-1739 Qrand-252-0357 Taking applications for 3 bdrm rancher wgaroge 8. fenced yard, 33 19th St.
W. No pets. $700 dep utils. 1 year lease. Coll 245-2572 A BETTER DEAL! Over TWICE As Many Verified Rental Vacancies! 1-2-3-4 bd.
All Price A Areas (Best Bet for Pets) Just Call on Phone -Complete List Delivered FREE to Work or Home! DAXCO, 252-0721 314 UNFURNISHED MOBILES-RENT 2 bdrm, carpet, drapes stove 81 fridge, quiet, convenient area, refs req'd, sorry no pets. 259-2139 or 259-3419. Blaln's Mobile Court 2 bdrm $275; 2 bdrm $300; dbl wide $400. $200 dep. ea gas 8.
elec. Call 252-6131 In Lockwood, very private 8. quiet, clean, 12x50 mobile includes refrigrangelndry hkups. 12x14 storage shed. Small fenced yard.
Smaller pets considered. Only $375 mo. Or $450mo w4 fenced acres for horses only. Dep 8. refs req.
Coll 248-2014 SHEPHERD AREA! Immac 2 bd. new carpet, avail Mar. 1, $285 DAXCO 252-0721 315 MOBILE HOMESTTES-RENT ALDER RIDGE Large lots, mature landscape, quiet neighborhood, children, pets, fences garages allowed. Call eves 8. wknd 256-9600 for showing Cooney Dam.
around access, utils in, year lease. SlOOMo $100 dep. 259-1628 EMERALD VIEW PARK 14 ml. S. of Johnson Ln Interchange 455.
245-6488 HILLSIDE VILLAGE MOBILE HOME LOTS Call 252-3933, 259-8584 Lrg mobile home lot on pvt prop, garden space in Bryon Wy. $95 utll. 307-548-7546 WINDSOR ESTATES Enioy the amenities, immediate occupancy avail. For Information coll 252-0881 319 VACATION SITES HME SHARES-RENT BIG SKY CONDO Rentals Skiing is great, 1-800-831-3509 Presidents weekend avail. 323 ROOMMATES WANTED Mature non-smoking male share home, $200 $100 dep.
ref, 245-7661. Privacy wclass. Roommate wanted to share 5 bdrm home whot tub, non smkr. $325, utils. pd.
252-5975. Want non-smoking female for 2000 sq ft split-level WE home. New crpt, pvt. $350, $200 dep, utils. 656-6483 REAL ESTATE RBAL ISTATI I 400 HOMES FOR SALE NOTICE, NOTICE, CHECK THIS IMPORTANT DEADLINE for the SUNDAY CLASSIFIED SECTION If you wish to: Place an ad Cancel an ad Make corrections Please call before 10 A.M.
Saturday HOMEFRONT Section A Real Estate Showcase, appears each Sunday. A source of the latest real estate information, home decorating design ideas, an exciting new way to look for real estate. The deadline for the Monday paper is 1 2 noon Saturday. Call 657-1212 1-800-543-2505 OPEN HOUSE 2-4 PM Billings Heights 1090 BABCOCK SPACIOUS AND SPECIAL One of kind, restyted trt-levelwttti special family-room. Featuring 6 bedrooms ridudng extraordinary master suite.
3 extramultipurpose rooms, underground sprinklers, and many other features al for only $132,900. Call Bob Palin 698-8000 anytime. Prudential Indpndntry Owned A Operated Smilesl Cheers! Happy Adsl Classified Happy Ads are the talk of the town! Call 657-1212 today! Toll-tree: 1-600-543-2505. NOTICE, NOTICE, CHECK THIS IMPORTANT DEADLINE for the SUNDAY CLASSIFIED SECTION If you wish to: Place an ad Cancel an ad Make corrections Please call before 10 A.M. Saturday HOMEFRONT Section A Real Estate Showcase, appears each Sunday.
A source of the latest real estate information, home decorating design ideas, an exciting new way to look for real estate. The deadline for the Monday paper is 12 noon Saturday. Call 657-1212 1-800-543-2505 1059 GOVERNORS Open 1-4 pm New construction, new price, over 3250 sq. 3 bdrms, 2 full baths, vaulted ceilings, open floor plan, main floor utilities, walk-out daylight basement, large walk-in closets, central air, deck, yard to be sodded in spring. $138,900.
EFHO Hoat DAN WAGNER 698-4200 (Mobile) Home 259-4174 ERA HR 656-9350 OPEN 518 COOK 2 bdrm, new carpet A paint, vinyl aiding, 24x24 ehop, $55,900. Sandy Graham, Coldwell Banker, 652-4493 It's Garage Sale Season! And, Gazette Classified Is Garage Sale Headquarters. We'll help you exceed your expectations. Mont than 138,000 readera check the Gazette EVERY DAY! Call today! We'll help make your garage sale a success! 657-1212 Toll-tree; 1-800-543-2505 402 HOMES WILDER Oak Trhn Spadoua Floor Plana Quality Conetructlon Great Height Location are iust a few of the terms to describe the new homes we have to offer. Call for your personal showing.
2744 River Oaks $149,900 2611 Constellation $133,900 285 Quiet Water $124,900 Built and Offered By American Dream Home 652-2225 401 HOMES Twit Dutch Bwtara HaMora Mid-Town BMInos Rlmrodt letting with City Views iiiKMoanuma Arcomernntrmca. 1101-1109 N. 22nd St 245-8384 256-1880 1175, utilities paid 1 bdrm $295, duplex 2 bdrm $325, near hospital 3 bdrm ADCO-1739 Orand-252-0357 $450. Fairway Deluxe apts 2 bdrm, appls, patio, carport. No pets.
Call 252-857) $500, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 3 level townhouse, 12th Howard. 656-5053 Iv msg. 1-900 FOR RENT HOME RENTAL SERVICES Area: Billings Mt trade area Available: 1-5 bedroom homes, apartments, mobiles. You phone tor: accurate descriptions, contact names phone numbers. Mln.
of 15 to choose from, up to 30. Why: costs less, more convenient, than listing offices. When: 24 hrs per day I How Updated 3 times weekly. 1-900-329-3378 approx10 min. Must be 18 years old to call.
We ore independent, providing you rental service you needed and wonted 1 bdrm apt, heat water Pd, $275mo. $200 dep. No pets. To see apt go to 309 South 31st apartment 3 between Noon A 1 p.m. 1 bdrm apt.
1 blk off Central close to dwntwn Bigs. $300utlls paid. 406-586-5712 2 bdrm apt, washerdryer, Irg fnced yrd, non smoking pets, $450utlls pd. 259-7218 2 bdrm bsmt, pay utils, wshr dryer turn. $295 mo 8200 dep.
Call 656-6569 3 bdrm, no smoking, $500 mo $450 depgas A else. 802 Ave. C. 255-7524 ALL VACANCIES (See tor yourself FREE visit) 1-2-3-4 bdrmsall Updated dally. Stop by! No appointment required ADC0 1739 Grand 252-0357 APARTMENT RENTALS! 1-2-3 bd's, all price, areaal Over TWICE as many landlord approved rentals! Comp list delivered FREE to work or home! DAXCO 252-0721 Smiles! Cheers! Happy Ads! Clessified Happy Ads are the talk of the town! Call 657-1212 today! Toll-tree: 1-800-543-2505.
COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE! 1 2 bdrm opts. Newly updated, very cozy! Starting at $395. Call 245-5554 Deluxespacious 2 bdrm townhouse, 3041 Boulder. IV2 baths, washerdryer hkups, gas heat, cent air, crport storage $595. Call 245-2572 Hgts, like new, Ig 2 bdrm heat S550mo no pets.
256-5276. NOTICE! All rental (real estate) advertising in this newspaper Is subject to the Montana Human Rights Act which makes Illegal to advertise any preference limitation, or discrimination based on race, national origin or color, creed or religion, age or familial status, sex or physical or mental handicap or an Intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for rentals (real estate) which la In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertising In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For Information about the Montana Human Rights Act call the Montana Human Rights Commission at 444-2884 or toll-free at 1-600-542-0807.
Northside 1 bdrm, $285 utils, $285 security dep, no pets. Call 656-8410 Sm efflc wpvt entrance, close to hospitals. Refs req. No pets. No smoking.
$200 dep, utils Pd! 252-1699 Spacious 2 bdrm apt woff St. prkg, Indry fac, gas heat, wtr pd! $475 dep. Avail 31. Metro Monagment, 245-2572 Terry Pk area, 305'j Terry, Ig 1 bdrm, no pets, no smkg, $300 utils. 252-5525 WE 2 bdrm, semi-bsmt, 4 plex gar, coin op Indry, all equip kit, all utll paid, no pets, refs wapp.
$475 $200 dep. Box 1032, Billings, MT 59103 311 UNFURNISHED MULTIPLEX-DUPLEX 2 bdrm, Hghts, air, Indry area, dshwshr, $425 util dep, no pets or smoking. Taking opps. Call 256-9135 It's Garage Sale Season! And, Gazette Classified Is Garage Sale Headquarters. We'll help you exceed your expectations.
More than 1 38,000 readers check the Gazette EVERY DAYI Call today! We'll help make your garage sale a success! 657-1212 Toll-tree: 1-800-543-2505 2 bedroom duplex apt, all utils paid, good location, garage, $425mo. 252-4849 2 duplex units central loc. Each 1 bdrm. garage, yard, AC, pets, Indry fac, $360 or $3704-gas A lights. 656-8416 3 bdrm westend, spacious, clean, htwtr pd, $600, I yr lease, no pets, Jerry 696-7823 Duplex, 2 br westend, wt pd, $395mo non smkg, no pets, 259-0357652-1050.
Hgts, nice 3 bdrm duplex, gar, fence, rec rm, pets ok'd, no smoking, $500, refs, $400 dep, 256-9625 Lg bdrm duplex, new flrg paint, walk-In closet, $350 utils, no pets. 252-8525 Modern 2 bdrm 1007sf 4-plex gas heat, North Park vie, no pets, $425 $300 dep, 252-0000 2 bdrms, all appliances, ac, no pets, no smkg, refs req'd, $425 $150 dep. 652-3577 oft. 1pm. REF REQ'D, no pets, nice 8, clean 2 bdrm, gar.
$460-1475 dep; Ex. nice Ig 1 bdrm, turn. 245-5291. Westend, close to schools shopping, modern 2 bdrm apts. Spa Si exercise room.
Starting at $445. 652-3268 f1A UNFURNISHED 0 I TOWNHOUSE-CONDO WESTEND Large 2 bdrm townhouse with washerdryer hkups, and garage, $595, 652-7500. 2 bdrm deluxe condo Heritage Park, quiet park setting, $550 dep. Kelll: 248-7200, 246-7784 Available 215.. 2 bdrm townhouse with 1 bath, washerdryer hkups, dishwasher, air cond, off st.
parking. $595 $595 deposit, water paid. 245-2572 203 ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYMENT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, requires a professional Image, outstanding organizational skills, 75 wpm typing, shorthand or speed writing and ward processing skills. Motivated, self starter fast learner. Minimum four years administrative secretarial experience.
Send resume cover letter to H.R., Corporate Air, P.O. Box 30998, Billings MT 59107 NON-PROFIT MANAAGEMENT The Montana Rescue Mission, a Christian organization providing social and spiritual services to homeless individuals and families, has an opening for the following position: MISSION MANAGER: Responsible for oversight of daily operations for Mission building and residential programs for single men. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree preferred, ability to handle crisis situations, ability to plan and implement new programs. Management, food service andor social work experience a plus. Send cover letter and, resume and references to: Gary Drake Montana Rescue Mission P.O.
Box 3232 Billings MT 59103 205 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT Full-Time Store Management Responsibilities include supervising personnel, inventory control, training and customer service. All candidates must be energetic, dependable and have strong leadership skills, as well as excellent communications and customer service abilities. Apply in person at Blockbuster Video 1212 Grand Ave. Mt 59102 Feb. 14-15, lOanMpm Administrative Assistant FT, prof'l environment.
Secretarial skills, computer skills good communication skills a must. Send cover letter resume to: PO Box 7024, Bigs, MT 59103. CLAIMS REPRESENTATIVE TRAINEE Major Multi-Line Casualty Insurance carrier. Competitive salary and benefits. AAust have at least a 4 year college degree (BS or BA).
Must be willing to relocate if requested. A challenging career opportunity wunlim-ited advancement potential. Send resume to: Box 21477, Billings, Montana 59104. Eastern Montana College Employment Opportunities 657-2116, 24 Hour Job Line ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIRECTOR Individual needed to head Environmental Services division for established and growing 20 person firm. Responsible for business development and project management in following areas: EPRAs, Landfills, CERCLARCRA compliance, in North Rockies region.
At least 6 years experience with 4 as consultant required-technical training in groundwater, or engineering preferred. Send resume and salary expectations to Schafer A Associates. PO Box 6186, Bozeman, MT 59771-6186. II li Hi CHILD CARE PROVIDERS Day care In my home. Infants A up, meals, 15th St a Parkhlll vtc.
Rita. 254-1738 FPT positions, open M-F Poly School orea. Meals provided. Lie. 8.
ins. 652-8671 Wee Folks Day Core has openings. Lie, CPR-lst aid, 32 yrs exp, all oges, 31st 67th refs-Christy 652-1767 New Building, New Location Stonland Daycare Great Preschool Program lrtfants-12 yrs. 246-3120 WESTEND Dovcore-Preschool. Yes-bobies OK! TLC fun.
652-4489, 256-8075 Loving lie'd doycare. King 32nd, octiv, any oge, M-F, some wknds. 652-7027 PEGGY'S PLAYHOUSE CPR 14 yrs exp, your children in our caring home! Ret s. 259-8069 BABYSITTER With references. Available onytime.
Coll 652-4503 Sunny smile loving fun in exper, licensed daycare. Ages 1-5. Ref a. 246-9124 Close child care by caring teacher; preschool actJv- 2 a UP, ore, mun Mirfte Rhfri Daycare has ooenlnos for NEW BCN tor Ntw um Licensed i I ml CPR. 252-0999.
Davcore in my Hgts home, meolssnocks, 1 vr-up. FT or PT openings. 245-2774 I An Equal Opportunity I I Employer I MP MM 212 FARM AND RANCH EMPLOYMENT Cheerful, non-smoking ranch cook, must enioy cooking, cleaning, light garden work, kids, animals. Resume refs to: Box 155M, Billlngs Gazette, PO Box 36300, Billings, MT 59107. Conservation oriented, year round ranch help.
Non-smoker; resume refs to: Box 156M, Bllllngs Gazette, PO Box 36300, Bill-ings, MT 59107. 215 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Position wanted helping assisting elderly, with daily chores, not live-In. 628-5635 It's Garage Sale Season! And, Gazette Classified Is Garage Sale Headquarters. We'll help you exceed your expectations. More than 138.000 readers check the Gazette EVERY DAYI Call today! We'll help make your garage sale a success! 657-1212 Toll-free: 1-800-543-2505 RENTALS 300 FURNISHED ROOMS-RENT Lazy K-T Motel-Low weekly rents, fridge microwave, Indry facilities, 252-6606 TOWNHOUSE MOTEL low winter weekly rates Microfridges avail.
245-4191 301 FURNISHED APARTMENTS-RENT Nice 1 bdrm, prime west loc, spacious, new crpt, no pets. $350. Coll 248-7134 1 bdrm, clean, quiet, $340 per mo, $150 dep, utils Pd, 6 month lease, call 245-5697. 2 bdrm suite. Close to EMC RMC.
Pvt entrance pvt both, Indry avail. 245-8040 850 Lake Elmo, 1 bdrm, coin-op Indry, offst prkg, sorry, no pets, $300, all utils Pd, FEPM 245-6263. A "REAL" DEAL! Twice as many genuine rentals. BaXCO 252-0721 ALL UTILITIES PAID 1 bdrm, comp pets ok, $150. DAXCO 252-0721 Call before you rent 1-2-3 bdrm.
Section 8 ok Call 256-1225 Cozy 2 bdrm bsmt apt, near colleges, utils pd, Indry fac, $395 dep, coll 252-2137. Effics-share dep, most utls pd, no pets, 223 27, 301 32, 245-8863245-3657 LEE APARTMENTS Heatwtr pd, Indry facl, no pets. $275 $300, downtown. Call weekdays 252-6365. Equal Housing Opportunity Newly remodeled, 1 A 2 bdrm, 107 S.
29th, section 8 ok. No pets. Call 256-1225 Vary nice 1, 2 A 3 bdrm furnished apts, weekly maid service, cable TV, all utils pd. Weekly rates. 248-2622 307 FURNISHED MOtlLES-RENT Immaculate 2 bdrm (one a daybed) furnished, no pets, no smoking, refs required.
$385 dep utils. 259-2103 309 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS-RENT NOTICE, NOTICE, CHECK THIS IMPORTANT DEADLINE for the SUNDAY CLASSIFIED SECTION If you wish to: Place an ad Cancel an ad Make corrections Please call before 10 A.M. Saturday HOMEFRONT Section A Real Estate Showcase, appears each Sunday. A source of the latest real estate information, home decorating design ideas, on exciting new way to look for real estate. The deadline for the Monday paper is 12 noon Saturday.
Call 657-1212 1-800-543-2505 MM MUM 8 EM ua 50th St. West Central OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 MOST AFFORDABLE PLAN Rancher with 3 bdrms, 2 baths, 1 bsmt Over 100 Additional Plans on Display 12 Acre Lots Your Plans or Ours Guarantee: Will Buy Your Existing Home ft I I Urn MARKETED BY METRO REALTORS, 245-9300 Open 11AM-4PM NEW MODEL HOME 32nd Street West and Avenue CHILD CARE PROVIDERS Childcore In Christian environment, choose quality. Coll 656-8042 or 373-6476 eves Sm Fry Daycare, educational learning, lots of TLC. Infants A up, Ifc'd, meals. 655-0275.
FTPT openings in Lock-wood daycare. Infants wel-come. LorrieLindo 252-7556 KID'S WORLD-liclns, hghts infants 8, up, 3 openings, preschool activities. 245-1226 Exper, loving, child care, Mon-Fri, 6am-6pm, infants welcome. Coll 259-8714 Reg.
chlldcare by elem. teacher in loving Christian home, oges 2up. 246-6523 Will babysit in my home In Fromberg, 3 openings, day or night. Call 1-668-7609 Personal, Fun Child Core. 17 yrs exp.
Great lac. esp. for Laurel families. 656-1163 Experienced loving child daycare, exd kids, days, nights, weekends. 652-3938 Loving fun daycare in Lock wood, CPR trained, lots of TLC, Coll Rondo 259-7047 CHILD CARE WANTED Dependable, loving, non-smoker needed to care for 1 year old 2-3 days per week.
Refs read. Call 656-4075 nMml $95,900 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, main floor utilities, full daylight basement, double garage and NO MAINTENANCE! 245-9300 or 6550005 DwtnkiBuKn UnffeBuKfw.